One of the reasons we ended the newsletter a few years back was due to the fact that we were receiving fewer and fewer articles to publish. As a result, it took months for us to have enough material to make publication of a newsletter worthwhile. It got to the point that we were often releasing a newsletter only two or three times a year.
My idea / hope has always been that members continue writing and submitting articles, but that instead of putting them in a newsletter, we post them on the club’s website. This not only allows us to get material out to everyone sooner, but also gives people a reason to come to the website and see the other resources available.
With the revamp of our website almost complete, I want to renew that request. But that isn’t limited to articles. Send any Triumph-related material you might have to me at This includes photos (especially if you have older photos organized by date) and tech articles. All content is welcome! I would add, if you aren’t a member of Buckeye Triumphs (maybe because you don’t live in central Ohio), still feel free to send me anything you would like for us to post.
One last item - if you are like me and love to use RSS feeds to keep up to date on your favorite websites and news sources, check out the two RSS feeds we’ve created for the website (you’ll find the links at the bottom of the home page). One is for our club news while the other is for our Cars for Sale page.